Friday, January 16, 2009

tonight i'm reaching out to the stars

So I started back to school and classes on Monday, and by Wednesday I needed some excitement to spice things up, and Shelby came to my rescue with a simple text message that pretty much said to come to Troy. I didn't need much convincing. So after a quick trip home and an outfit change I drove as quickly as I could to her house. We ended up eating a quick dinner and then went walking at the track, in shorts, in forty degree weather. It wasn't too bad though, we got to catch up a lot and talk about literally everything. I love conversations with actual meaning, and Shelby and I always seem to have the best ones. As the sun went down and it got too cold to keep walking, we decided to go shopping about an hour away in Dothan. The best part is we only buy from the sale or clearance racks, and are always completely honest if something does not look good, what are friends for right? On our way back to Troy we went to the always awesome Target, and after buying a new Converse bag and a random jump rope we took some super cute pictures:

On a completely random topic, my kickboxing class started yesterday, and I'm definitely feeling the effects of it, hopefully I won't be so sore after the next one!

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