Saturday, January 31, 2009

Healing with time, is like watching paint dry

This past week has been pretty good, even with the bad things that have happened. I guess you can call me an optimist, but I tend to see the good things in a situation before I will even acknowledge the bad things. Aaron's little brother got put in the hospital last week, and this past Tuesday they moved him up to Birmingham to see if they could figure out what's going on up there. So Tuesday after school Aaron, his dad and I all drove up to see him and his mom. Despite how the situation seems, I think it could be a positive thing. They are more equipped to work with kids there, and since he's only 10, they are more likely to figure out what's wrong. They are also going to try to take him off of some of his medications, so maybe he wont have to take 20 a day.
In other news, I did lose my job, and I'm not at all sorry about it. Yes, the money was good, but I was miserable there, and my punishment for not going in on Sunday was to work doubles every Sunday in February, not ask off any shifts, or trade any shifts. This didn't seem fair, and there is too much going on this month for me to not ask any days off, so I quit/got fired. Hopefully a better job will come along, that doesn't involve food, but with the economy the way it is, it's not likely to happen.
My grandfather's 89th birthday was yesterday, and we had a party for him. He is the most amazing person I have ever meet, and my favorite person in the world. He, along with Aaron's little brother, is my hero. Even though he is 89, he still is in great health, and driving. He was a carpenter for years, and is always talking to the contractors working on our house, making sure they do a good job. I love him more than I can ever hope to express, and he is such and inspiration to me.

Homecoming is next Thursday, and I still haven't found a suit for Homecoming Court. I really need to get on that...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Could it get any better than this?

So the past 5 or so days have been pretty interesting. I've gotten sick, worked, gone on a great weekend trip to the beach and almost (not sure yet) lost my job.
I think I'll start from the beginning, because I believe that's always a good place to start. Thursday as I was talking to my mom about the upcoming beach trip, I started feeling really hot and nauseous, I tried to finish getting ready to go to class, but it didn't work. I ended up spending some quality time with my couch and the tv, unable to get up except when absolutely necessary, until I had to work at 5:30. Work, to say the least was not good, thankfully I got to leave early. Friday I was still feeling bad, so I took some medicine and went to work yet again. Aaron came over after and we watched tv and planned out the rest of the beach trip and made reservations for the rooms. Saturday I yet again went to work, made a little money, and then went to the beach with Aaron, my best friend Shelby, and her boyfriend Quinn. We ended up going to eat, making a couple Wal-Mart trips, going to the hot tub and the beach. After one last trip to Wal-Mart for ice cream and popsicles we called it a night. Sunday morning we all got breakfast and packed up and checked out of the rooms. While I was supposto be at work, we went to the beach, took a few really cute pictures, and Shelby and I collected some awesome shells, and some broken shells too, lol. After some window shopping and playing in the As Seen on TV store, we went to the diner for lunch. Shelby and Quinn went back to Troy, and Aaron and I headed to Dothan to visit Adam while he's in the hospital and then went and hung out at his house. Today I went to class, then to lunch with Kate, Katelynn and Brooke, and then Kate and I went shopping at Rue 21. I ended up with a few cute basic shirts, and some awesome black and white polka dot rainboots, with red accents, now if it would just rain I'd be good. On my way in my house, I got a phone call from one of my managers from work asking why I didn't come to work yesterday, I told him I was at the beach, and my car broke down and my call phone was dead, and he said he would have to talk to the main manager and he would let me know if I still have a job. I'm honestly not too upset about it, I really like most of the people I work with, but I know it's not something I want to do for the rest of my life, so if i lose it, I'm possibly better off. I won't have as much money, but I'll be happier.
Anyway, here are a couple pictures from the trip, the first is Aaron and I, and the second is Shelby and I.

Monday, January 19, 2009

One more step and you're falling through

So I was watching The Notebook yesterday and it got me thinking about a lot of things. The first one was, I wish I was alive in the 1940's. Things were so different then, much more simple, and people were more straightforward about everything. And the style was awesome, can't forget that one. It also got me thinking about love, and true love, and the decisions we make because of it. I want to find that true love, the one person I know I would be with forever. I believe fully in true love, and that there is one person that God has put on this earth for you that you are meant to be with, but I also believe that we are compatible with many people, and that we can love them as well, but that they are not the person we are meant to be with. I'm not always honest about my feelings, growing up that wasn't really something I was taught, and I'm really good at not letting anyone know if something is wrong. I've always handled things on my own, and been the one that other people come to with their problems asking for advice. While I love to talk to other people and help them with their problems, sometimes it drives me crazy how petty their worries are. Not that some of them are real and very serious, it's just some are not. Anyways, I've never really been able to express how I feel about someone, weather a boyfriend or just telling my best friend how much she means to me and how blessed I am to have her in my life. With all that being said, I want a love like the one in The Notebook, and yes that sounds cheesy, but it's true. I want someone who would wait for me, love me unconditionally, be real with me, and really want to know how I feel and what I love. I think that relationships now are mostly fake and for show. They're empty and void of any real meaning, and sadly I've been in that kind of relationship. These kinds of relationships only end in hurt, and it's kind of like practicing divorce. You start dating one person, you get close to them, then you realize you don't want to be with them for one reason or another, so you break up, and move on to the next person. If you get into the habit of bailing when things get difficult, what do you think you're going to do after you get married and things are rough? You're going to bail, because that's what you're used to, and sadly that happens more often than not, and I know how that is firsthand. My parents were married to each other and divorced three times, and my older sister has been divorced twice. This terrifies me, and it makes me hold back my feelings, which may be a good thing most of the time. If we took our relationships more seriously and didn't just "jump into things" with someone, there would be so many less broken hearts. And if you think about it, we are going to marry someone that we date, so shouldn't we really be more thoughtful about who we date to begin with?

Friday, January 16, 2009

tonight i'm reaching out to the stars

So I started back to school and classes on Monday, and by Wednesday I needed some excitement to spice things up, and Shelby came to my rescue with a simple text message that pretty much said to come to Troy. I didn't need much convincing. So after a quick trip home and an outfit change I drove as quickly as I could to her house. We ended up eating a quick dinner and then went walking at the track, in shorts, in forty degree weather. It wasn't too bad though, we got to catch up a lot and talk about literally everything. I love conversations with actual meaning, and Shelby and I always seem to have the best ones. As the sun went down and it got too cold to keep walking, we decided to go shopping about an hour away in Dothan. The best part is we only buy from the sale or clearance racks, and are always completely honest if something does not look good, what are friends for right? On our way back to Troy we went to the always awesome Target, and after buying a new Converse bag and a random jump rope we took some super cute pictures:

On a completely random topic, my kickboxing class started yesterday, and I'm definitely feeling the effects of it, hopefully I won't be so sore after the next one!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

...and these are a few of my favorite things

I think a good way to start off is to list a few things I can't live without, or would just rather not.
My best friend Shelby, she is one of the most amazing people I have ever known.
Sunsets have and always will capture my full attention, I am always in awe of how beautiful and different each one is.
Sour patch kids, the red ones are the best
Giraffes are one of my favorite animals.
I would rather be at the beach than anywhere else on any given day.
Rainy days make me smile and want to snuggle up and read all day.
Hot rocker boys (like Mr. Nixon from Framing Hanley) with tattoos and piercings, and the awesome music they play/sing, need I say more?

More to come later...