Sunday, February 22, 2009


I am now officially BAMA bound! I got my acceptance letter yesterday, a very exciting moment for me I might add! My family and I went and ate at Mexican Connection, and mom just casually says "Oh you got some mail today". I figured it was some more info on the school or something, but when we got back home i saw four envelopes with my name on them, three from Alabama and one from Troy. Yay for being accepted to both colleges that I applied to!
So Brook and I are going up to Tuscaloosa to look at houses next weekend, and I can't wait! It still hasn't really sunk in yet, but I'm sure it will when we go house shopping!
Aaron's little brothers surgery went well, he came home two days after and is doing fine, he's very happy to be home, and we are all happy he's back!
Classes are going pretty good. I made a 96 on a Music Appreciation test, a big approvement from my last one that was a 70, and an 80 on my online Pshchology class test.