Tuesday, April 7, 2009


So many thing have been going on in the past week or two. I've updated a little, but not really that much. Do you know the feeling you get when something is just not right? I've had that for a while now, and I finally figured out why. I felt like I needed an adventure, so I went to Troy and hung out with Shelby and Matt T, had a great afternoon, and started back home. On my way home I just couldn't shake that feeling, and I knew exactly what to do about it. Break-ups are rough, but why do they have to be? I hadn't talked to Aaron since we ended things, and it was really bothering me more than I thought it was, so on my way home, I finally texted him and talked about a lot of the things that were bothering me. I felt like an idiot at first, but that quickly went away. I was honest with my thoughts, feelings and questions, and I feel like he was also. I know things aren't going to go back to how they were before, but I'm ok with that, we're speaking again, and I feel like we are going to be friends, which is what I really want.
I recently joined the Air National Guard, which is such a big deal to me! Pretty much my whole family is military, and I always said I was going to be the one who wasn't going to join, I always thought it wasn't for me, but boy was I wrong. My first drill was this past weekend, and I felt like I was where I needed to be, which is an amazing feeling. We had to do PT (physical training) on Sunday morning, and part of that was running a mile and a half. I haven't ran since my Junior year in High School, which was three years ago, but I was the first girl to finish, and I beat some of the guys too. The only downside to that is I now have shin splints, and my kickboxing class is today, hopefully I'll be ok to do everything.
I've also been downloading a lot of music in the past few days, (love love love music) and if you haven't heard the bands Live, or Default, you should seriously look them up. Any suggestions for music I need to hear?
A recent random adventure with some friends to an old broken bridge...

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