Saturday, March 14, 2009

Are you there? can you hear me?

So I've pretty much been a slacker with this for the past couple of weeks, but they have been crazy busy. I ended things with Aaron, I didn't feel like he cared about me, and what's a relationship with someone if they don't care? I'm behind in pretty much all of my classes as a result of being a slacker. I decided to go to Troy for college, I can't imagine two years away from my best friend and my family, and it's a lot cheaper than Bama is. I went to a 10 Years concert at La Vela with my sister Ashley and Matt Tuesday night, which was so good! We ended up getting back to Ashley's house in time for them to leave for work, and for me to take a nap before my first class. My nap lasted a few hours more than I intended and I didn't wake up until 11:30, and I missed both of my classes. Shelby called me later that night (which was a Wednesday btw) and we decided to leave for the beach a day early. We just got back today, and the trip was great. The first night we got down there, a bunch of us all ended up going to La Vela again, and danced until around two, came back to the bay house and crashed for the night. Shelby and I went to the beach the next day and layed out, and then we all hung out at the cottege. That night we all went to Keslee's grandparents house for dinner, games and exploring, wich was so much fun! Afterwards we had a bonfire on the beach and made smores and then went back to the cottege and then back to the bay house to sleep. Yesterday was pretty chill, a few of us went to Seaside and ate lunch, and then layed out on the dock and hung out at the bay house again. All in all I would say it was a pretty good early spring break.
I'm really not ready to go back to the real world of classes and work, but on the brighter side, my actual spring break is the week after this one, and I'm going to get to go to Colorado with my Bible study group for a week of snowboarding/skiiing. It is the complete opposite of the beach, but I knnow it's going to be an amazing trip as well.

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